Action for Hunger

Health and Mobility

Action for Hunger

We all wish we could do more to support underprivileged serious patients facing challenges and their caregivers, beyond our prayers.

Sometimes, the family members of serious patients do not have time to look after themselves, not even have the time to have food, which is the basic necessity as they are always around taking care of their close ones.

cause description

  • Pretty sure you have had your meal or going to have or having it right now.Pretty sure you might even have complained about your food at least once, now just think about the people who are waiting to receive their only meal of the day or week or even month! Quiet shaking right?

  • Let’s have a quick look at such people in India and what we as an NGO are trying our best to help them with your little help.

  • During this pandemic, even the wealthiest among the population have suffered too so for the financially unstable families, it was a massacre which led to deaths and suicides leaving them hopeless.

  • We will never know how many people died of starvation because no state government will admit to starvation deaths and even the middle-class family would not accept that they are starving!

  • Hunger has no religion! You can come forward and lend us a hand in helping all these not so fortunate people with any sort of means you wish.